Well, its August. If you follow the trend on this so-called blog, its the time of year where I decide to make a roaring comeback to posting on a regular basis... And I fail miserably. You simply need to look at the last two posts. Sheesh. So, here we go yet again.
Let's catch up first. The COVID 19 pandemic continues despite almost everyone's "return to normal" and refusal to wear masks or take the smallest of precautions any longer. Mom and I still mask up on the bus, at the doctor/dentist, shopping, etc. Restaurants? Its a bit pointless, no? We still don't have large gatherings with friends or family and the people we do meet up with, we know they've been vaccinated so that gives us a bit of reassurance. One thing I am grateful for re: the current pandemic? The highlighting of mental health issues and a renewed focus taking care of yourself that it seems to have brought along with it. Both of these things have become part of my life in 2022.
A couple of months ago, at the urging of my mom, I went to talk to my doctor about some issues I've been dealing with. I thought I had a good handle on life (all things considered over the past few years) while recognizing I have been becoming quicker to anger/getting angry or frustrated when dealing with even relatively minor issues at times. After a suprisingly VERY emotional conversation with my doctor, I have been diagnosed with anxiety. Medication has made an improvement and I am grateful for the accessibility (and health coverage) I have. Therapy is an option my doctor is encouraging but we've agreed it can be re-visited later. In the meantime, I am focusing on finding and focusing on activities and experiences that bring me joy and calm.

Last year, Mom and I took weekend roadtrips near Edmonton to visit the province's "Big Things". This was a lot of fun but we've run out of "local" things to see (within 1-1.5 hours drive). We also started doing short hikes near Edmonton. I was mildly surprised at how much I enjoyed this activity last year and was really looking forward to starting up again this year.
We've been heading out almost every Sunday morning (and the occasional Wednesday) for hikes at nearby parks, nature reserves and sanctuaries, and basically anywhere we can find a decent trail. The fresh air and exercise have been great - its good to feel sweaty and tired after pushing yourself. At the same time, I've found the peace, calm and relative solitude that my mind and soul have been so desperately needing for far too long. Sure we've had to fight off ravenous hordes of bloodthirsty mosquitos and sidestep steaming piles of bison poop but we've also seen deer, beavers, hundreds of ducks and other waterfowl, foxes, rabbits, and soooooooooooooooooo much green. Forest bathing or forest therapy has become a regular part of our lives and it has worked better than I think talk therapy ever could. Surrounded by trees, bushes, flowers, grasses... listening to the wind rustle through the leaves; the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. Just looking up into the branches reaching for that bright blue sky fills my heart and soul with so much joy I can't begin to describe it.
So, STEP 1 in the return to blogging... I'm going to try and write more detailed updates on our weekly hikes here rather than trying to type the details into my phone where I make a ton of mistakes. This will allow me to go into more detail, post as many pics as I want and include links to trail maps or other items as needed. I'll still post on my Instagram account but there'll be a link to the blog in my bio that I'll refer people if they want more details. This should take us up until mid/late October depending on the weather and, of course, bear activity!
STEP 2! Next year, Mom and I will be starting a balcony garden. Now, for those that know us, yes we alreay grow flowers and cat grass on our balcony. I'm talking about a vegetable garden on our balcony!!! Inspired by my friend Heather and her fabulous condo balcony garden, and my big brother who built a bunch of raised veggie beds in his backyard, not to mention the rising cost of just about everything, we thought we'd give it a try. We're in the planning process now, mainly focusing on how much space we have, where we'll put stuff where it will get the most sun and then we'll really hunker down over the winter to decide what we'd like to plant in the spring.
As for the winter? I'm not sure yet whether I'll blog much or what it would be about but I need to find something that comes close to bringing me the benefits I'm getting from our hiking over those long winter months. Preferrably something that doesn't require spending a lot of money...
Stay frosty!