PANDEMIC! Working from Home - The First Few Days

Well, here we are. Pandemic time. Covid-19 has brought much of the world to a stand still. Thank god for the internet. I figured since I am (finally) working from home, I might as well blog about the experience. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into an "OMG the world is ending and I can't find toilet paper" series of posts but at this early stage, I can't promise anything.

So... "working" from home. It seems weird, not going to lie. The work I currently do is not life saving (i.e. no cures for cancer here) nor does it seem very relevant given what's happening in the world at the moment. I'm in an HR-ish type role and our small group deals with succession planning (not pandemic related) and professional development. It would not be surprising if at some point in the next couple of weeks one or more of our unit is reassigned to work in an area that's more essential to keeping things going in our province and maintaining social order. However, who am I to say? It sounds like the higher ups have said our work is to continue as planned so... I valiantly forge ahead.
Coworker #2 - union mandated mid afternoon catnap
I've taken over the entirety of our dining room table so we're "forced' to sit in front of the television to eat meals. Awwww, bummer. Not like I don't do that already! I planned it well though; I've set it up so that I'm facing not only the front living room window so I can watch the very few people who still venture out walking by but I also get a clear shot of the television so I don't miss any reruns of The First 48 or Live PD (I am SERIOUSLY addicted y'all!). I'm also giving Better Call Saul a second go - couldn't get into the first time much like Breaking Bad and that turned out to be amazeballs so, you know...

After only 2.5 days I've realized I need a schedule and I need one bad! This morning I forgot to brush my teeth and take my medication until 11am when I started in on making lunch! I haven't even showered today. Not terrible but its the middle of the afternoon and I'm still wearing my jammies. I need a bit more structure otherwise my small world is going to devolve into chaos. So, tomorrow I venture out to pick up medicine, a few things from my office and a white board in order to lay out a plan of attack. Not having to get up and dressed, and then leave the house at a specific time is throwing everything out of whack. So, today I'll be thinking of a schedule which will include work and downtime to focus on mental and physical health during these stressful times.

One thing I've noticed from around the interwebbies and various social media outlets is that folks are finding fantastic ways of reconnecting with family and friends. There's a whole lotta baking going on and a lot of love for first responders, store clerks, restaurant workers and delivery drivers. Its a shame we didn't seem to place as much value on them when things were Covid-19 free. Let's just hope this continues and folks will still be looking after one another when this passes.
Veggie stock
My one "home made" moment this week? I made veggie stock. Not a lot but enough for a couple of small containers that I can freeze for future use. I'm going to make soup this weekend so some will go in there. I'm also going to make some no-knead bread if I can find flour and yeast! Homemade soup and fresh baked bread? Yes please.

Stay safe everyone and keep your distance!

1 comment

  1. Hey! Great to see you blogging again. I might take it up again, too. I feel like I need an outlet that isn't FB. We will see. I am still working - for now. These are interesting times indeed. Take care & stay safe!
