Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

 Those who know me, know I’m an enthusiastic planner. I love making lists, making plans, making more lists… I began a countdown for a past trip to Spain over a year in advance. My coworkers would just roll their eyes when I’d update my whiteboard: 383 sleeps until Madrid… No big surprise then that I had worked out a schedule, including travel time and meals (locations and what to eat!), in advance of our upcoming escape to the mountains. Unfortunately Covid-19 had other plans and most of what we had originally planned on doing went down the proverbial drain.

To begin with, the company that runs the Maligne Lake boat tours had to make adjustments to their scheduling in order to allow for more thorough cleaning and fewer passengers. As a result, we got bumped to two days later. It wouldn’t have been a problem if we were still in Jasper at the time they rescheduled us to. Unfortunately we would be back home by then so we had to cancel outright. Then, the stable we were booking a horseback trip with ended up shutting the barn door early this season, with their last trail rides around Labour Day. Plans for our first two full days in Jasper were now in shambles.

However, I am not one to be dismayed (well, not for too long) and eagerly set out to get us back on track. The problem this year though is due to the drastic reduction in visitors to the mountain parks, including no tour buses rolling through, many businesses were shutting down early. The restaurant we normally would visit for a great steak dinner (Embers Restaurant) didn’t open at all this summer season. So, I had my work cut out for me especially as we didn’t want to redo some of the activities we had tried on our previous visit.

And … I succeeded.

We had enjoyed whitewater rafting previously and love being on the water, so I booked us a river float. A bit slower and more relaxing that whitewater rafting but you still get great scenery and an opportunity to get splashed! Plus someone else does all the rowing. The company, Jasper RaftTours, was wonderful and assured me that even if we’re the only two folks who booked on that day, they’ll still take us out. Basically, as long as they can keep their guides employed, and ensure they can employ them next year, they’re looking at a full season (time wise if not in terms of overall guests). First full day schedule solved!

2014-002 Glacier Skywalk, Columbia Icefield, AB” by Mark Roy, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

And then I booked something I originally said I wouldn’t – the Glacier Skywalk at the Columbia Icefields. Its not that I don’t want to go, I’m worried about safety/crowds, or I’m nervous about heights (I am but whatevs), its because its over an hour drive there and over an hour drive back from Jasper for something that you may spend ½ hour doing. However, I know that Mom loved a similar viewing platform at the Grand Canyon a few years ago and since this trip is her Christmas/Birthday present from LAST YEAR and I didn’t have a ton of options, I said why not. Plus, I’m guessing the pics are going to be great!

Now…SSHHHHHHHH! Mom doesn’t know about either of these two activities so keep it quiet, ok?

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