I'm counting today as Day 8 of my pandemic as I started working from home last Monday... its not accurate so if someone in the future found this blog and there's no other historical records, take that date with a grain of salt.

I didn't make soup or bread as I had planned on last week. Instead I made cookies. They were...meh. Normally my triple chocolate peanut butter chips are the bomb dot comb but the store didn't have pb chips so I had to settle for butterscotch. Yeah, I know. Not even close to the same thing except in terms of colour. They're still tasty and are brownie-esque in both taste and texture but the butterscotch makes them a tad too sweet for my liking. Should have opted for the Skor bits instead. 
"What time is our nap...uh...meeting?"
While out getting groceries and drugs last week, I picked up small white boards for Mommikins and I. I discovered very quickly last week that I need to lay out some sort of schedule for myself otherwise I'll just end up wearing smelly pyjamas for days on end, not showering and watching far too much Netflix. So I whipped up a tentative schedule that has me showering and dressing (not in "work" clothes necessarily but at least putting on a bra), working and tackling small chores/cleaning around the house. Its not final yet - I'll need more time seeing what works and what doesn't - but its a good place to start.

How is everyone else handling being quarantined, working from home or just staying inside?

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