Update - Welcome Back?

Why do I keep bothering with this blog? I don't know but I keep coming back. I totally bombed the whole "blog the pandemic" thing. And to be honest my life just hasn't been interesting enough to share anything of note. Now that I'm back at my office and things are starting to return somewhat to pre-Covid norms here in Alberta, maybe I'll have more to share. In the meantime, why don't I give a little update on what HAS been happening in my life if anyone cares...

As you can see if you scroll through previous posts, we said goodbye to the beloved Nero in the early days of the pandemic. Many of my friends have experienced the same loss - was it the pandemic? Do we all just have pets around the same age and they've reached the end? Were there problems beyond our control? All of the above but its been a difficult year for many even without the issues of being locked inside and fearing the Skip The Dishes delivery person is going to cough on you.

We adopted quickly after losing Nero and welcomed the little fluffball of fury, Hudson. Well...he's grown. He's now a big fluffball of fury whose favourite pasttimes include chasing older brother Rocky around the house and whining incessantly to be let out into the back yard (we can thank Grannie Dawn for that behaviour!). 

Hudson and I spent a lot of time together over the last 10 months. He offered his services as my assistant to help when work got too much for me. That didn't work out so well. 

He tried to teach me how to relax but just ended up falling asleep in the weirdest positions. It made for cute pics on Instagram

He's definitely put on his own kitty version of the "Covid 19lbs" - Dr. Belinda says he's overweight! That didn't take long, did it? I don't know how I would have made it through this without him. Love. Love. Love.

To break up the boredom and get ourselves out of the house, Mommikins and I took a few road trips to see some of the "Big Things" in our part of Alberta. We headed to Fort Assiniboine and saw the World's Largest Wagon Wheel (and pick axe).

Other stops included the World's Largest Mallard Duck in Andrew, the Mundare Sausage, the World's Largest Mushroom in Vilna, the World's Largest Dragonfly in Wabamun, Donalda's claim to fame - the World's Largest Oil Lamp, and the World's Largest Fishing Lure in Lacombe.

And we did end up reaching Jasper as planned back in late September 2020 (FYI we're headed back again later this summer for some much needed mountain time!). While there we saw lots of elk and a couple of deer, ravens the size of small children, and very few tourists (for late summer in Jasper). The cabins we stayed at were right on the Athabasca River and this meant some incredible photos.

We even went canoeing for the first time and had an amazing time on Pyramid Lake. No wind, bright and sunshiny, no one else on the water which ended up as clear as glass. I have fallen in love with canoeing and I want one of my own but they're crazy expensive. Perhaps an inflatable boat for Mommikins and I to paddle around in?

We've gone for a few hikes around our city this summer but that's been put on hold due to forest fire smoke from surrounding provinces and repeated uncharacteristic heat warnings for our area that have sent daytime temps up to between 31 - 40C (before the humidex).

That's about it - I've spent a lot of the last 10 months in front of the TV binge watching UK crime dramas. Need a recommendation? Just ask! Now, I'm currently looking forward to our return trip to Jasper in a few weeks and planning for my 50th birthday trip in early 2023 - I'm not making any other travel plans these days until the world gets vaccinated and we figure out how to manage it as part of daily life going forward. 

Stay frosty.

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