Is That Cheeseburger REALLY Worth It?

4 1/2 months. Seriously.  So much for returning to blogging....

Fuck it. 

No point in putting pressure on myself. That just means I'll end up never writing anything. I'm here now and that's what counts....right? Hello? Anyone?!


I'm not one to make resolutions. Scratch that. I AM one to make resolutions but I'm definitely not the type of person who has the desire or drive to follow through on them so I've given up on the whole idea. 


I'm not making any specific claims for what I am planning on accomplishing this year nor anything I'd call a "resolution". Instead, I'm giving myself two areas to focus on for the next 12 months: healthier living and financial responsibility. 

You'll notice I didn't say something stupid like "lose 20 lbs by summer" or "pay off all my debts before New Years". Let;s be honest. Neither of those are likely to happen for this gal. Instead, I want to focus on making small lasting changes that will see results in the long run. 

Healthier living can encompass so much. Eating better (and less), exercising, getting enough sleep (oh how I wish I could do that), drinking more water/less pop, etc. I'm not committing to heading to the gym 3x a week or eating only non-processed foods for the rest of the year. Instead I'm going to focus on getting SOME exercise every week, even if its only once ever seven days - its better than what I usually do (or don't do!). And I'm going to focus on eating out/ordering take out less often. 

During a recent discussion with my best bud, I admitted that the majority of charges on my credit card are non-tangible ones. Its not like I shop a lot - I don't have closets full of clothes/shoes or shelves of books to show for what I feel is an unacceptable balance on my credit card. I'd say 75% of what I charge to my card is food: lunch with a friend, pizza night, grabbing a burger while I'm out running errands. That's going to have to change. 
The "Ronald" Burger from Central Social Hall (Image)
Is that cheeseburger worth it? I'm not talking about the calorie count, the fat grams or the delicious ooey-gooey cheese. Damn. Now I want a cheeseburger. No, I have to start asking myself if that cheeseburger REALLY worth it.  I'm I love travelling (see #4 of previous post) and that requires $$$. The money I spend on one lunch out could go towards paying off the old credit card OR into a savings account to go towards my next adventure. 

Questioning if I REALLY want or need that burger (or sub, spring rolls, steak sandwich, etc) will help with both areas I want to focus on this year. Yes, I will give in on many occasions. Let's be honest. I love food. But there will be times that I DON'T. And that's important for both my bank account and my waistline. 

I'm not promising I'll blog more regularly. At my current rate, you'll probably next hear from me around Easter... However, when next you hear from me, I'll give you an update on how focused I've been. 

Stay frosty.
I'm out.

* FYI, the Ronald burger IS worth it but that's not the point I'm trying to make now is it?

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