Blog Failure - Not A Surprise

So much for blogging my way through the pandemic. I should never set expectations like that for myself! Anyways, quick update. I'm back at my office and have been here for about 5 weeks. There are only about 5-6 people on our floor at the moment. While my employer said everyone is expected back at work by the end of July, its obvious that hasn't happened. Our floor is exempt as our bathrooms are being renovated: a hazard. But even going to other floor within the building, there is still a large portion of employees who appear to be working from home. Frankly we're fortunate - most of the jobs in our department don't require us to be physically in an office and we've been managing quite well with Skype and Webex for meetings. If I had the space I might like to go back to working from home but honestly I'm just not that productive unless I'm in the office. 

And yes, I did put my name on my stapler. That way only other Karens can steal it.

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