Changes in the Land of Covid-19

First there was Covid-19. Then there were the mental health issues I experienced while attempting to work from home. Then, as if things weren't stressful enough this year, we said goodbye to this little Snickerdoodle. My beloved fluffball, Nero, had a significant downturn when it came to his kidney disease at his checkup back in early June. After an upsetting but not unexpected conversation with the vet, we made the heart crushing decision every pet owner wants to avoid. Nero lived a fabulous 19 years and was spoiled for most of that time. The folks at the Glenora Family Pet Clinic are absolutely amazing and feel like family. They gave us a lovely card and surprised us with a small vial with a tuft of his ultra lush orange fur. Needless to say, I sobbed uncontrollably yet again when I saw it. Even though it has been almost two months, I got choked up in a meeting yesterday when I mentioned him. Always in my heart buddy, always.

To help heal myself, I welcomed this crazy little nugget into my life a short time later. Some may say it was too soon and to allow myself time to grieve. I'm a woman; I can do both at the same time. Hudson was just what I needed and while I don't believe in a higher power, sometimes I have to wonder if the universe sometimes gives you just what you need at just the right moment. He's a cuddly monkey who drools uncontrollably when he's in his happy zone. This usually means sleeping near my face where it drips all over me. I'd be annoyed by this but look at that face.

Other than returning to the office and wearing a mask pretty much everywhere I go not much has changed lately. Still can't visit family here in the city or within the province. Still feel uncomfortable going to a restaurant even though many have reopened. Won't go to the movies even though they're open too... maybe soon though. Lots of hand sanitizer and lysol wipes (if you can find them!).

Hope you're all doing better than just surviving. Take care of yourself and one another.

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